St. Andrews by the Sea Episcopal Church | Port Isabel, TX
St. Andrews by the Sea Episcopal Church
Website Accessibility Statement
Accessibility Statement
St. Andrew's by the Sea Episcopal Church is committed to ensuring our members can readily access the services we provide, both in our physical location and on our website. We have voluntarily undertaken efforts to comply with the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA (“WCAG-2.0 AA”), a set of guidelines adopted by a private group designed to maximize accessibility of web content.
Please note our website may link to, or interface with, third party websites that we do not control. These third-party vendors may not have undertaken the efforts St. Andrew's by the Sea Episcopal Church has to comply with WCAG-2.0 AA standards. Our website informs users when they are about to leave the St. Andrew's by the Sea Episcopal Church website.
As the law and accessibility standards continue to change and we strive to deliver the most up-to-date content online, please understand our efforts to improve online accessibility are ongoing. We encourage you to report any accessibility issues you may encounter by contacting us at office@standrewsportisabel.org or at 956-943-1962 so we can assist you. We also encourage you to contact us to determine if any alternative communication methods or accessibility formats are available.
We thank you for your assistance in enhancing the accessibility of our website and we look forward to serving your spiritual needs.