St. Andrews by the Sea Episcopal Church | Port Isabel, TX
St. Andrews by the Sea Episcopal Church
A columbarium is a sacred place within a church set apart for the memorialization of loved ones lost, and for the care, placement and inurnment of their cremated remains. A columbarium allows one to visit a final resting place in a serene environment. A single space for “inurned” cremains is called a niche. The interior dimensions of each niche are: 10” high and 10” wide and deep. The deceased's name, birthdate and date of death is engraved into the exterior plate.

Memorial Garden
The memorial garden, which includes our columbarium, was designed and built through the generosity of Margaret Fabian, in honor of her husband, Bill E. Fabian (1920 - 2007). The Fabian's retired in 1989 and moved to Port Isabel where they were devoted members of St. Andrew's, and supported its missions whenever called to do so.